
The Wordless Word

It's just one of those words that roams free; you can’t easily chain it down, trying to define it. That’s one of the things that make it so beautiful. In fact, I think it’s a bit funny how numerous people - theologians, writers, intellectuals, and others (myself included) - are caught up in trying to define the single word: Love.

Love is stunning - beautiful - and it makes us different. Different from the animals. Different from the plants. Different from the world that holds us. Love separates us, and by doing so, unites us. It makes us blind, but in being blind, we learn to see. It’s easy, it’s hard. It’s perfect, it’s marred.

A lot of people go to the, “Love is patient, Love is kind” saying when defining love. It is a nice phrase. But, when I decided to look it up in full context (1 Corinthians 13:4-8), it sounded a little more than nice – it sounded amazing. The words, they're kind of like soft chocolate flowing through your mouth. Or music, how if you listen deeper, you feel more:

Love is patient, Love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, it is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
Love always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

I stop & think. Why try to define something that's already been defined so perfectly?


Anonymous said...

That is by far my favorite passage in the bible.

Very true why to define something that already has a definition as wonderful and as perfect as that.

Great post. <3


Deko said...

So true and so well put!


Anonymous said...

Great post, and good message.

stupid ramblings of mine said...

"Love separates us, and by doing so, unites us. It makes us blind, but in being blind, we learn to see."
I loved that part..

Love makes us SO blind... God do we ever do some stupid things. :P

Beautiful post. I always look forward to reading your blog.

Jesserie Lee said...

Thank you, and what a wonderful way to put it. "Love is a beautiful thing". Your posts are awesome, read a few and they pulled me in.

Nomand in No Man's Land said...

Really great post! Your blog is so thought provoking, I always can't wait to see what you have written.

Glass Mannequin said...

It's interesting that those that are in love, but not love itself, that often exemplify the opposites of the beatitudes that you mentioned.

They're not patient, for the cannot wait to spend forever with the object of their love.
They are not kind to any obstacle separating them from their love.
They envy others for stealing even one moment from them and they boast to themselves for every stolen second with that special someone..


Mac said...

I love love.(No pun indented.) Me being the lovely emotional person that I am, have tried to grasp the concept of love and all of its powers and how it was formed and so many more. As you have so brilliantly pointed out, love is hard to define, and there is no way to define love in a perfect way. But we understand love, yet we don't, yet we do. I love love, because it gives us power, the power to believe, to hope, to dream, to feel great compassion. Love, is simply, love. Do not underestimate it. It is the most powerful feeling in the world, next to hate, and it will forever be strong within the hearts of humanity and all. I love your posts, and I take great pride in somebody such as yourself looking at my philosophical postings, and if you have time look at my regular blog and comment. Thank you very much.

Story of a Girl said...

Been a while since either of us have stopped by hasn't it? :) Have a great new year ! And you're right. Why define love. Love is God. why should we try to define something as great as God or love.

jEeRo said...

i would like to believe love is indeed wonderful..but love hurts..i agreed love is a very powerful thing..

hAppy 2009!

love stRuckk said...

that was beautiful

And yes why is it that us as a human society are trying to define love when it has already been defined