I was the conqueror
I dared to a thing
And more
I was the one who held the ring
The key to the door
Yet something stopped me right standstill
On my way up that hill
Something that stopped kings’ fury
Something I should’ve known more
Something that halted thousands’ kills
Something in the old folk lore
Why couldn’t I see that if I dared
For what the others did
I could also be stopped too
From what they sometimes hid
Love I could not understand
For it takes two
Not one
Not few
Two who work side by side
Leaving nothing not to hide
How could I be disarmed?
I the warrior
To be harmed
My daring shaken from inside
What was this to take my hide?
It was then I understood
What I never could
To surrender is to forever succeed
To share is to gain the world
To follow is to hold the lead
It’s better than a thousand men
To love is to be loved
To be conquered is to win
And now I see it is the fools
Who never can be stopped
{Hey! Just wanted to say that this poem is about how stunning love's power can be. I find the idea intriguing that love has stopped wars - has stayed the hand of hate. I know the wording of this poem is a bit like a tongue twister, but I love the way the words fit together :) Also, I did take the picture - if you click on it, there's a car in it so you can see exactly how huge the mountains are. Let me know what you think!}
wow, that's a nice picture!
anyways...yeah, love is a powerful emotion..it's made a real fool out of me in the past but yet it was as bliss...
Wow. I absolutely love the poem and the picture.
My favorite story in the bible is about Jonathon, the son of Solomon and his armor bearer. Jonathon decides to attack a phillistine encampment of several thousand men with only his armor bearer beside him. Your poem reminded me of how powerful it is to be with someone you trust and love.
OmG !! I totally love this poem and i like the picture too !!!It's awesome!!!
wHeres the pic taken?..the view is breath-taking!!!!!!..love the mountains..
well i duno what love is..but cant deny i was(still is?)a fool for love..
yup collectin masks is def a cool hobby =)..i dun collect them as well..not that easy to get masks here..but i do have quite a few mask pictures in my pc..=D
Thanks for your comment and I like your blog too and plan to follow it. You write very well and you seem to be wise beyond your years! That's a great thing.
that was.... I'm speechless.
Thanks for the lesson. This is wonderful and inspiring...but I do not think you've taken away from the beauty by explaining what it's about. It's so beautiful working it out and reading different meanings. Brilliant
nice poem...nice pic (my wife and I were commenting about the mountains we live at the base of...the peaks in your pic are very impressive).
It's always intriguing to see how love can make such a difference. I also love the insight in your last lines about those who "never can be stopped." Losing sight of love truly makes you foolish.
Thanks for sharing.
You will be the philosopher. Just need some time to work out how it will fit. Linked.
Beautiful Picture!
And amazing poem!
Wonderful as always.
"Love I could not understand
For it takes two
Not one
Not few."
I have loved not just once
And more than twice
Yet love is still
A mystery for me
Maybe because
I refuse to be
Nice poem. :)
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